everyday mindfulness

A Modern Meditation Practice

A Modern Meditation Practice

Here are my top reasons for beginning a Modern Mindful practice.

Learn and Create your own personal tool set now to create room for growth and clarity in your future!

See if the 3 tasks, resonate with how you’re feeling right now? This article may be exactly what you need to hear today!

How small shifts in Observation can help create healthier thoughts.

How small shifts in Observation can help create healthier thoughts.

Observation in the way of limiting daily anxieties presents itself in two ways, you can choose to observe and connect to what is limiting you or you can choose to observe what is uplifting you and commit to that. It's the shifts in building your awareness, giving you the ability to react not from a depleting habit but a nourishing step in a different direction. It is your choice what you choose to connect to, and it's also your choice in what you choose to see. Read on..

To The Core

To The Core

An in depth insight to my story on the journey to recovery from an eating disorder, the steps I took, to changing my health, mindset and lifestyle to creating a life where I wasn't concerned about a number the scales or on the tag of my clothing. WARNING this may serve as a trigger to some still on their process with body related issues, how ever I encourage you take a read in your own time, facing your past, accepting what is and creating change on long held depleting lifestyle habits may seem difficult but it must start with you.. so begin! 

Beating the shame train

Beating the shame train

Self Shaming has become second nature in today’s society, as a collective community in a social world, our initial reactions are to judge the differences in each other, which further more make us judge ourselves in comparison, either boosting our ego’s or bringing our true selves down. We have been sculpted by our surroundings to make aware what others should look, act and be like to have our conceptual approval, we begin to set standards, standards of conformity, standards of relativity to who we are and standards of commenting on those going beyond the norm of reality, but are we truly judging others, or simply stating the core of our own insecurities that we haven’t dealt with?