Roasted Vegetable Tofu Quiche

Roasted Vegetable Tofu Quiche

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For the base:

1 medium sized Sweet Potato Grated

3/4 cup cooked Quinoa

1/2 cup Rice Flour (Gluten Free Flour of Choice)

2 tbsp Olive Oil

I also added 1/2 tsp of dried garlic & onion powder

Pinch of salt

For the tofu mixture:

2 packs of semi firm tofu

1/2 cup nutritional yeast

2 tbsp olive oil

Pinch of Salt

For the Veggies:

Use what ever you have on hand… this is the perfect dish to utilise those veggies

I suggest roasting all of your veggies and keeping the extra’s that you don’t use for the quiche for salads or sides during the week!

I used 2 carrots roughly chopped

1/2 a small pumpkin roughly chopped

2 small beetroot diced

1/2 head of cauliflower

2 small zucchini diced

2 small capsicum roughly chopped

1 medium head of broccoli with florets cut

1 long stalk of leek finely diced

1 large brown onion diced


  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees celcius

  2. Prepare Veggies as directed

  3. Place veggies into the oven, spray with some olive oil and salt. Please remember your veggies will cook at different rates, so keep an eye on them, and ensure to give them a toss here and there to evenly cook for around 20-30 minutes.

  4. When they are cooked, pop your oven down to 175 degrees celcius

  5. Whilst your veggies are baking, line a circular cake tine with baking paper and oil, to ensure non of the base mixture can stick to the sides

  6. Combine the base mixture into a mixing bowl, ensure you have squeezed out any extra moisture out of the grated sweet potato. The mixture should be slightly crumbly but able to stick together.

  7. Apply the mixture to the baking tin, ensuring the mixture is nice and thin but thick enough it won’t crack, once completed place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until slightly brown and has a crunchy look to it, remove from oven.

  8. Whilst your base is in the oven, make the tofu mixture.

  9. Add in your two packs of tofu, nutritional yeast, olive oil and salt into a blender, vitamix or thermomix, until creamy and smooth. It will have a quite plain, tofu texture and flavour, but when combined with your veggies, it will absorb the added flavour of the veggies.

  10. In a fry pan, combine your chopped onion & leek to a tbsp of olive oil over a medium flame, stir until slightly cooked through, add a pinch of salt and about 1/2 tbsp of maple syrup, turn off and put to the side.

  11. Once everything is cooked, add your tofu mixture to a large mixing bowl and gradually add in your roast veggies! You want the mixture to be full of veggies, but still to be nice and covered by the tofu mixture, so just pop any spare veg away in a container for another meal later in the week!

  12. Add in your leek and onion mixture, stir then add mixture to your sweet potato base. If you have some left over, pop them into cupcake moulds for quick lunch additions during the week!

  13. Pop in the oven, to cook for 20-30 minutes, until your quiche is browned and firm to touch!

  14. Remove from oven, once cooked, allow to cool slightly before cutting!

  15. Serve with side salad and sauce of your choosing! I used a tomato chutney or vegan mayo as another option through the week!

  16. ENJOY! xx

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